We recently recognised the outstanding success of students in the Creative Industries portfolio at our Gala and Awards night in our new multipurpose Centre, Gagal-ba.
Our special guest speaker and presenter on the night was Lou Jaegar, Manager and Exhibition Officer of the University of Sunshine Coast Art Collection.
On the night there was a range of performances from our drama club, bands, dance team, film students and Chancellor voices choir. There was also an art exhibition from our visual artists.

The awards presented celebrate the achievements of our students across the Creative Arts portfolio from the school to national level.
The Arts Distinction award honours students demonstrated artistic achievement at a school or regional level and produce or perform arts works at a level above their peers.
High Distinction students have represented the College at a state or national level or who have been nominated by the awards committee for their artistic talents and commitment to the arts in the context of college life.

We express our appreciation to our Creative Industries Faculty Team who work above and beyond throughout the year to support our young creatives.
We congratulate all award recipients and their families and recognise the many other students who work hard and contribute to our college community in so many ways.
To see the full list of 2023 receipients download the list of
Creative industries award night list of recipients.pdf